New Hope Counseling in Gainesville & Cumming, Georgia

New Hope Counseling was NHlogo4founded in 1996 with the primary goal to make quality counseling affordable to ALL persons in need of outpatient services. New Hope provides comprehensive outpatient programming for the treatment of addictive diseases and their emotional, mental, and behavioral consequences. We also provide behavior modification programming for those who display characteristics associated with domestic violence. Our focus is to encourage clients to gain insight and understanding while working toward fulfilling the needs of the judicial system, social services, or employers. Our goal is to facilitate growth and change for those who desire it and to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which to experience self-acceptance.

Relationships Are The Key To Our Success

Since our inception, New Hope has worked hard to establish relationships with local agencies which can make the largest community impact, including the Court Systems, Probation & Parole Offices, Department of Family and Children Services, as well as local Attorneys and other agencies. Communication and flexibility with our referral sources are key components in our philosophy of treatment and have been integral to the success of our agency.

We Are A Certified DBHDD treatment provider

New HopeNew Hope Counseling is a Georgia Certified Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) treatment provider offering ASAM Level I: Outpatient Services treatment to DUI offenders in all of our locations. New Hope has a Georgia Certified DBHDD clinical evaluator on board offering individual services to DUI offenders, as well as anyone in need of an Alcohol or Drug Clinical Evaluation.


Our Programming Was Developed Over The Last 18+ Years

Programming at New Hope Counseling has been developed throughout the years to meet the needs of the mandated population. Our groups consist of 6 – 52 week curriculums, which were designed to address the needs of clients who are at various stages of substance abuse and dependency. Additionally, our programs are 1-hour, 2-hours and 3-hours in length in order to meet programming requirements for Probation, Parole, DFCS, and Multiple Offenders. Our staff is trained in the most current, evidence-based counseling modalities, including Moral Reconation Therapy, Prime Solutions, Seeking Safety, the Matrix Model, and Thinking for a Change. Our agency prides itself on working to meet the needs of both our referral sources and our clientele – at an affordable price.

Our Counseling Offices Are Conveniently Located
